Chiropractic care through pregnancy is safe. It is easy for all of us to see postural changes through pregnancy - the center of gravity changes, the weight of the baby places increased pressure on the spine and pelvis, and towards the end of the pregnancy, changes are seen in gait pattern, ie: the "waddle".
Because the sacroiliac joints of the pelvis function better after Chiropractic adjustments while pregnant, there is better mobility during pregnancy when receiving Chiropractic care resulting in better bio-mechanics and increase in mobility and reduction of pain.
Assessment Of Newborns And Infants
Greater complications during delivery result in greater neurological insult to the newborn due to injury to the head and neck. Even after vaginal births, 4.6% of term neonates suffer unexplained brain bleeds and 10% suffer neonatal encephalopathy. Because so many children had been injured with forceps deliveries, (facial nerve palsy, tearing of cervical spine musculature) vacuum extraction was developed. Suction cups are placed on the newborn's head, and the baby is literally sucked out of the mother.
When utilized, 120 pounds of pressure goes through the baby's head and neck. Decapitation occurs at 140 pounds of pressure, to give you an idea of the high forces involved. Remember when you were a little child and there was a new baby you were being introduced to? Our parents always said, "Watch their head-you don't want to hurt them." We're careful because the fontanel's of the skull are so pliable, and the neck and brain are fragile and unprotected. This is why so many babies sustain injuries to their heads and neck during vacuum extraction, the force is far greater than their little bodies can tolerate.
We can adjust babies as soon after birth as possible, to alleviate subluxations caused by in-utero constraint and the journey down through the birth canal. There is no better way to get a head start in life.